i dunno how i feel.of course not something good..so as i grow older....i know i hav to improve my EQ...so even how bad stg happen..........i jz have to accept it and tel myself..its okay........there's stil other way.......just dunno y...everything seem going against me this few days.........
cnt get any reply from any government scholarship application........or i shld said..all rejected........
and im blur till din get to apply for public university.......cuz i dunoo at all......i only get to know when i read the newspaper today..called few frens..yet all of them had apply..just me.....left me not applying......dad gona scold dat again i guess.........aikss.......so..where am i going to study?? kinda clear v wat im gona be .......ya.....i wana be a nutritionist........i had to stand strong v it.....bt since i don get scholarship.probably going form 6 ( which i really really don want to get in)... aiks..depend how dad gona decide it..im lazy to talk on this with him again......i just don wan to argue again........ he gona bec tonite .....so he will make his decision soon..........
worse still i failed my car test......is the 3 penjuru parking.........i hate dat.i knew im gona fail dat...yet..no surprise for me.......aiks......so will i pass the next time? don really dare to think.....
he surprise me yest nite......telling me stg dat i nvr expected.........i shld take the time and think....... get ur nice tortoise and take good care of it........
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