Thursday, May 28, 2009


so went for this movie v edwin yest....... erm..i cn said is a great lik giving me chemistry and history lesson..all bout proton..anti mass substance....and i guess i heard..wat galileo..pathenon..and bla bla...... for lik..sounds so familiar v my history textbook.cnt deny DAN BROWN is de brilliant author..came out v such great movie... bt guess DA VINCCI CODE story line is nicer..neway..both are great production that wat normal human being cnt thought of...cuz im the vvvery normal one..hehe... i love TOM HANKS in the serious yet so funny sometime..haha..2 and an half hours show brought my energy down.went home and sleep..haha..
thanks home internet system back to phone bill is being clear n activated now!!!
tmr wil be my last day at school..SAM TET sch....end my form 6 life ........for only being 3 weeks in this school...yet i feel heavy to leave ...i guess this bunch of classmate truly great.... i guess i will miss them vv much... especially the few of them behind me..and mostly is FIONA LEE... not surely monnie..pooi lim n ying bing...hahaha...u guys are great clasmate to me..i hope i wil such great clasmate lik u guys at college..hehe...
looking forward on nex week outing v u guys.....
cam-whoring day tomorrow!!!^^..thx pn ng for the permission..hehe.. day only be great with ur existance.. u r crucial n important..hhahaa

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